Monthly Archives: November 2020

17 | 11 | 2020

Chipotle to Unleash Digital-Only Restaurants

Chipotle CEO Brian Niccol predicted in October the fast casual would eclipse $2.5 billion in digital sales in 2020. Just a year earlier, Chipotle celebrated clearing $1 billion, which was a significant milestone for a brand that played catchup in a number of innovation corners.

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17 | 11 | 2020

These projects are igniting Arizona’s economy

There were a lot of factors working against economic development in the past year, but Arizona’s economic development community and the Arizona Association for Economic Development (AAED) found ways to not just survive, but thrive in the face of a global crisis. The state saw new economic growth all over, new projects were being built, new companies were arriving or expanding and new businesses were starting.

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